Mia's blog

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

“Two of everything” written by Babette Cole is about two beautiful children, Demetrius and Paul, who had problem parents. Their problem parents always didn’t have the same opinion, and also didn’t like the same thing. They even played tricks to each other. Two children were very worried about their parents’ behavior, and thought that whether is their fault or not. However they found that it isn’t their fault after they asked other children. Therefore, they decided to held on an “un-wedding” for their parents. Their parents were very happy, and they agree this decision right away. This was their first time that had the same opinion. Then, their parents had an “un-wedding”,”un-honeymoon” and lived in two different houses which were the gift for them by two children. In the end of story, these problem parents didn’t argue any more, because they could do everything they want. Everyone all had happy life.

In the past, most stories always had a happy ending: the prince and the princess got married and had a happy life forever. This story broken the traditional rule, and tell us the fact in the real life. Two people in a marriage have arguments which are a usual thing, because they grew up in two different backgrounds. They will have different hobbies and values. Therefore, if they found that they really can’t get alone with the other person, maybe divorce is their best choice.


I considered that this story is very special, because it doesn’t follow the traditional ending. It tells children that in a marriage having a happy life forever which is impossible. In the real life, people will fight, arguing, and having different opinion, etc, because we aren’t saints. This story can make children realize this thing, so I feel that this book is worth to read it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi,I am Paige.The author described the story on the other hand was a special way to tell the children"Why my mom and dad separated?"

At the beginning,the children thought that the parents'quarrel was their fault;however,they found that it's not their problem at all.
Finally,they made a decision to their parents.

I think it's not easy to make two people from different families who adapt themselves to a new environment.All you have to do is adjust yourself to overcome crises.

Paige Wang,

4:49 AM  

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