Mia's blog

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Red Skies
"Red skies" is talked about that a woman who work in a bakery. Most of their customers are usual and nice. But sometimes they also will meet weird customers. Just like last Saturday. A man came into the empty store that had dark hair and a thick Greek accent when she was cleaning the store. After finishing the order of cake, this man closed to her and asked her whether she fell in love with him or not? “No, not today. Maybe tomorrow.” she answered. Because this weird question this was made that she thought of her ex-boyfriend, Paul. Two month ago, Paul and she went ice-skating at the lake near their house. They have a wonder time, and she still remembered that the sky on that day had a strange red color. On that moment, she thought she loved him so much. Two weeks ago, Paul dumped her for a cheerleader, and at that time she was very angry and hurt, and now she felt better. Because the silly question and answer are made her thought that breaking up with boyfriend don’t need sadness, and knew that the world is filled of wonderful possibilities.
Nowadays, people sometimes will fell in love with other people, and just because on the moment, the feeling between these two people is very wonderful and sweet. But as soon as the sweet feeling is gone, they will break up very soon. There must will is a person who is hurt. This article tells us two things. First, we should take the relationship seriously. Second, maybe you were hurt by other people, but never be sad. Because the world is filled with wonderful possibilities, one day, you will meet your Mr. Right and Miss Right.


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