Mia's blog

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

No more “Dirty Look Special”
“No more ‘dirty look special’ ” is about a son felt tired of his mother’s control, and he was longing for free from her control. Only can made him do so which is taller than his mother, because his mother always used her height to intimidate little children in school, his sister and him. Even when he was matured and demanded certain privileges, she still thought that he wasn’t old enough. Therefore he considered that that’s must because of his height. Then, one day, he found that he was taller than his mother! He was longing for the coming of this glorious day long time, and this most important moment finally had arrived. However he suddenly realized that he wasn’t wanted to escape from his mother’s control, he just wanted his mother can considered that he is grownups. In the end of the story, he and his mother didn’t argue anymore, and always talked and discussed like civilized people.
Most of children always want to get out of their parents’ control, but when they grown up they will find out their parents’ love from their control. The boy in this story also realized this thing. Therefore, He knew that he not only should have grown up in physical aspect, he also should have grown up in more matured way.


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