Mia's blog

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

My Christmas holidays
I was very exited and happy for the coming of Christmas because we had four days holidays. I haven’t gone home for three weeks, so I missed my family so much and I couldn’t wait for holidays.
Although this Christmas I didn’t go out, I still felt very happy. My family and I had good time when we had dinner and watched TV together. My elder sister and I had chatting with each other till both of us are too tired to continue the conversations. We talked everything about what we happened recently which not only good things but also bad things. I also spent my time teaching my younger brother his homework.
Maybe some people will consider that I am crazy or felt bored because these four holidays I always stayed at home, but I think that these four days are the most wonderful holidays I have ever had. I can have Christmas with my family; it’s so sweet and awesome. This is a sweet Christmas holiday which full of my family’s love.


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