Mia's blog

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

No more “Dirty Look Special”
“No more ‘dirty look special’ ” is about a son felt tired of his mother’s control, and he was longing for free from her control. Only can made him do so which is taller than his mother, because his mother always used her height to intimidate little children in school, his sister and him. Even when he was matured and demanded certain privileges, she still thought that he wasn’t old enough. Therefore he considered that that’s must because of his height. Then, one day, he found that he was taller than his mother! He was longing for the coming of this glorious day long time, and this most important moment finally had arrived. However he suddenly realized that he wasn’t wanted to escape from his mother’s control, he just wanted his mother can considered that he is grownups. In the end of the story, he and his mother didn’t argue anymore, and always talked and discussed like civilized people.
Most of children always want to get out of their parents’ control, but when they grown up they will find out their parents’ love from their control. The boy in this story also realized this thing. Therefore, He knew that he not only should have grown up in physical aspect, he also should have grown up in more matured way.

My Christmas holidays
I was very exited and happy for the coming of Christmas because we had four days holidays. I haven’t gone home for three weeks, so I missed my family so much and I couldn’t wait for holidays.
Although this Christmas I didn’t go out, I still felt very happy. My family and I had good time when we had dinner and watched TV together. My elder sister and I had chatting with each other till both of us are too tired to continue the conversations. We talked everything about what we happened recently which not only good things but also bad things. I also spent my time teaching my younger brother his homework.
Maybe some people will consider that I am crazy or felt bored because these four holidays I always stayed at home, but I think that these four days are the most wonderful holidays I have ever had. I can have Christmas with my family; it’s so sweet and awesome. This is a sweet Christmas holiday which full of my family’s love.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Red Skies
"Red skies" is talked about that a woman who work in a bakery. Most of their customers are usual and nice. But sometimes they also will meet weird customers. Just like last Saturday. A man came into the empty store that had dark hair and a thick Greek accent when she was cleaning the store. After finishing the order of cake, this man closed to her and asked her whether she fell in love with him or not? “No, not today. Maybe tomorrow.” she answered. Because this weird question this was made that she thought of her ex-boyfriend, Paul. Two month ago, Paul and she went ice-skating at the lake near their house. They have a wonder time, and she still remembered that the sky on that day had a strange red color. On that moment, she thought she loved him so much. Two weeks ago, Paul dumped her for a cheerleader, and at that time she was very angry and hurt, and now she felt better. Because the silly question and answer are made her thought that breaking up with boyfriend don’t need sadness, and knew that the world is filled of wonderful possibilities.
Nowadays, people sometimes will fell in love with other people, and just because on the moment, the feeling between these two people is very wonderful and sweet. But as soon as the sweet feeling is gone, they will break up very soon. There must will is a person who is hurt. This article tells us two things. First, we should take the relationship seriously. Second, maybe you were hurt by other people, but never be sad. Because the world is filled with wonderful possibilities, one day, you will meet your Mr. Right and Miss Right.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

This woman was named amber kuo who is twenty years old. She is a Taiwanese and studying at the National Taipei University. Sitting alone in a restaurant, she was very upset about her boyfriend broke up with her because he fell in love with her best friend. She looked at the seat where her boyfriend have seated and thought of their memories. How happy they are when her boyfriend still loves her, how sweet he is when he fell in love with her, and now how cruel he is to hurt her in this way.
“I won't love him anymore, and I won't cry for him anymore." She thought.

Why Don't You Kiss Her?
by Jesse McCartney

We're the best of friends
And we share our secrets
She knows everythingthat is on my mind
Lately something's changed
As I lie awake in my bed
A voice here inside my head softly says
Why don't you kiss her
Why don't you tell her
Why don't you let her see the feelings that you hide
Cause she'll never know
If you never show the way you feel inside
Oh, I'm so afraid
To make that first move
Just a touch and we could cross the line
And every time she's near
I wanna never let her go
Confess to her what my heart knows
Hold her close
What would she say
I wonder would she just turn away
Or would she promise me that she's here to stay
It hurts me to wait
I keep asking myself
Why don't you kiss her(tell her you love her)
Why don't you tell her (tell her you need her)
Why don't you let her see the feelings that you hide
Cause she'll never know
If you never show
The way you feel insidewhy don't you kiss her


This song is talked about a boy love a girl who is his best friend.He love her so much, but he didn't have enough courage to tell her that he love her. Because he is afraid that if he tell her that the feeling that he hide, she won't accept his love and their friendship will broke up. So he is very confuse whether telling his feeling or not. And this song is that he talk with himself and encourage himself that telling he love her so much.